CECILIA is a nomadic soul. Like in an existentialist epic that traverses different ages on a phantom thread of love, spirituality, desire and rage. She inhabits different bodies, inserts herself in a whole array of different characters. Some are fictional, some are as real as the artists that inspired her, and whose influence appears in CHOEUR under the guise of tiny fragments, direct quotes, dedications and spectral presences. Cecilia channels the poetry of different lives that might have been her own or might have only existed in dreams, and does so within a collection of songs that twist the path of traditional French and Italian songwriting into the inmost recesses of electronic mysticism.
The composition of CHOEUR took place mostly around January 2023, a pretty precarious time in the artist life, and happened in a spontaneous and ritualistic manner that could appear as somewhat odd in the realm of electronic music production. Birthing out of ego-free solo jams in hyphened states of consciousness and audience-less performances, these moments of do-or-die energy intake served to funnel the wilderness of her emotions into extremely tight arrangements, ultimately allowing a dramaturgy of fierce and beautiful songs into existence. Striving for the sublime, CECILIA trained her whole body for a paradoxical procedure of disconnection and reconnection.
A crucial pin in Melissa Gagné’s system of 7-year creative cycles, CHOEUR marks her debut on Haunter Record as much as the first step towards the possibility of a new artistic identity. A labour of love if there ever was one.
CHOEUR is made of Awe, Chants and Ravishment, of Pain until Vision.
CHOEUR prays Earth, Water, Stars, Sea. CHOEUR feels Spirits,
Lightning, Thunder, Dawn, Dusk, Blood, Flowers. CHOEUR invokes a
Return, to Grace.
CHOEUR loves Mud and longs to Play. CHOEUR lives in a Dream
created by a Dream. CHOEUR lives in a Body created by Love.
CHOEUR is about a broken heart, open and ecstatic, about the beauty
and the sadness that all is not what could be, about wandering and
wondering why were the stars made so beautiful?